Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Play day

Today I baby-sat for my friend Melinda.  Allie is about 3 years old and the cutest thing ever.  In their house they have a play room so I took Daisy and Allie up there and they played for a bit.  It was so cute seeing how excited Daisy got around all those toys.  Many of them were for older kids, but they had some that were great for Daisy to play with.  Here are some pictures of her playing:

I want to get one of those car things like she is sitting on.  She loved it even though she tended to tip over every now and then.  The greatest part of play time was when Allie would sing to Daisy.  She would sing The Itsy-Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle.  She kept singing those two songs over and over.  So cute!  I wish I would have recorded it, but it was just making me laugh so much, I forgot!  

After I was done baby sitting, I had to go pick up Matt from work, but while we were waiting for him in the parking lot, Daisy was having fun playing with her little bird on her carseat.  I recorded a video of it: 


Since I baby-sat for Melinda, she "paid" me by giving me their old Bumbo.  So when we got home for the day we put Daisy in it right away and SHE LOVES IT!!! She loves being able to sit up and just look around at everything.  And the best part is she would hang her arm out the side like she was cruising down the boulevard with her hand out the window.  

Then She got tired of sitting up, leaned over and started sucking on it.  Cutie pie. 


  1. Ah I'm so glad she and Allie had fun. Allie sure does love being around "baby" Daisy and Aunt Elbee!!! And Daisy looks so tiny up against the bear. I think she is the about the age Zachary was when we got it. And I'm so glad she like the bumbo, she sure looks cute in it!!!

    1. Ya, we had a lot of fun with Allie. It was so cute watching her play with Daisy! And thanks again for the bumbo. It is perfect for her :)
