Thursday, January 19, 2012

Daisy turns 2 months!!

2 months ago today, I gave birth to the most special thing in my life.  I can't believe how much Daisy has grown already!!  Here are a few things about her:

She gained her social smile which, might I add, is simply awesome.  I love talking to her and seeing such love and excitement in her face.  She is always so happy!!

She holds her head up really well now.  I don't think it is at full strength, but we do lots of tummy time to keep her getting better at it.

She used to sleep with us in bed, but now she goes to bed around 9pm and sleeps in her swing.  She has been sleeping almost through the night, only waking up once or twice to eat.  I'm glad she likes the swing a lot better than our bed.

She loves her binky, especially when she is tired.

Her hair is growing really fast.  Some people think she looks like a boy, so I have to dress her in pinks and purples now so no one is confused. We think it's the hair....We bought some styling clay for it, so maybe I'll start styling it more for her.

She responds to when you are talking to her.  If I'm not holding her but start talking to her, she will turn her head and look at me.  It's pretty cool.

She babbles a whole lot now.  It's fun having little conversations with her.  It's almost like she understands what we say and responds to it.  I think she is starting to mimic certain things.  If I say "gooo"she will usually repeat a "gooo" or if I stick my tongue out, she sometimes sticks hers out too.

Today she had her 2 month doctor visit and had to get 3 shots and a mouth spray.  She definitely did not like any of those.  But soon afterwards, she was completely passed out in her carseat.  She weighed in at exactly 11 pounds and is 23 1/2 inches long.  She is my big whopper!!

I can't wait to see how she grows up even more!!!  

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