So here she is, already 5 months old! Wow, does time fly by, or what?!
She is putting on some weight. We haven't had her weight checked since last month, but she feels a lot heavier when I have to pick her up! At 4 months, she was at 13.11 pounds.
Daisy is getting a lot better at sitting up on her own. Almost there!
She has gained an interest in standing up. She usually gets a huge grin on her face.
She has started rolling a lot. At first, she was only really good at going from her stomach to her back, but now she has mastered both.
She started laughing a lot! It is the sweetest thing in the whole world. It seriously melts my heart. She gets really giggly around my niece (her cousin) Isabelle. They love each other!
She loves playing with her toys, especially the ones with music.
She sleeps in her crib now! She used to sleep in her swing next to our bed, but we finally made the switch to her bed. She does awesome in it. I just lay her down at 8:30pm, put classical music on, and she is soon zonked out!
She thinks her toe fuzz is hilarious!
She is getting so adorable. I love her with all my heart and I thank God everyday for a wonderful addition to my life.