Monday, November 28, 2011

Pushing Daisy

Daisy was born last Saturday, the 19th of November.  I started having contractions at 3am on Friday morning, but wasn't admitted to the hospital until 6pm that night when I was finally 4cm dilated.  After 2 hours of really painful contractions, the doctors gave me an epidural.  Once that kicked in, I actually fell asleep!!!  I could still feel the contractions, but they were much easier to deal with.  I was in and out of sleep until about 4:30 am when the midwife gave me some petocin.  She said Daisy was close to crowning on her own, but my contractions needed to be closer together to push her out.  When I finally started pushing, it only took about 15 minutes for her to come out. 

It was amazing finally seeing Daisy.  I couldn't believe how beautiful she was.  She weighed 8 lbs and 10 ounces.  Since she was so big, they had to check her glucose levels to make sure she was a "healthy big".  And she was :) 

About 2 hours after Daisy came out, Matt noticed my skin was really pale.  So we called the nurse and she saw that I was bleeding a lot more than I should be.  When she pushed on my abdomen, a huge blood clot came out, and I felt a lot worse.  I don't remember much of this point, but I do remember them giving me a pain medicine that made me feel really drunk.  I could hear a lot of nurses and doctors in my room, rushing around.  Someone ended up giving me stitches, but I felt every little prick.  I remember hearing Matt's voice, saying that everything was going to be okay and that I was strong and could do it.  The commotion died down, and I opened my eyes again.  The doctor told the nurse to watch me carefully and that I may need to go into the OR.  It was all pretty scary.  Thankfully my mom was there to hold Daisy and Matt was there to hold my hand and kiss my forehead.  But I got better and wasn't hemorrhaging anymore. 

I'm glad that Daisy is finally here though.  She is simply amazing, and I love her so much.  And seeing Matt with her is great.  He is such a good dad already. 

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