My goodness, I have been so bad about keeping things up to date!! I think I have just been struggling with time management. I've been going to school full time online, raising Daisy, preparing for baby Boy, and dealing with our move to Germany. But Matt and Daisy are asleep for the night (woohoo!) and I finally have some solid time to myself (double woohoo!) so here I am...UPDATING!!
I think it is so important for family to stay "connected" as best they can. I hope I can update more often now (maybe make this a routine for myself) so family can keep up with our lives. It is hard being away from everyone back in the States!
Daisy is now 11 months old! I can't believe she is going to be a year old in less then a month! It honestly seems like just a few weeks ago I was looking at her beautiful face for the very first time! Now she is officially going to be a toddler (should I be sad, or happy about this?). She is so much fun though! I love having her around. Matt and I were talking today and we honestly couldn't imagine a life without her in it. She makes me laugh constantly. She has figured out how to test me though...she knows when she is doing something she shouldn't be doing (like touching the computer) and she waits for that ONE second you aren't looking, lol.

We finally made the big move to Germany (obviously...). It has been quite an adventure so far. It's really nice having Chris and his family over here. They were a ton of help the first few days we were in country. They let us stay at their house, and they even drove us back and forth from base since we don't have a car or European licenses yet. A few nights after we got here, they took us to our first German restaurant. It was so delicious!!! Oh, and Daisy absolutely LOVES her cousin Diana-Jean. Usually Daisy is pretty rough with other kids, but with DJ she is so sweet and caring! Daisy will just go up to her and give her the biggest, wettest kiss and then a hug too. Super cute!!
Germany is absolutely beautiful though. We just can't get enough of the nature. But the pictures we take just don't do justice to what we are actually seeing. I wish all of you could be here now to see how pretty it is! All of these pictures are what we see here on base.
Matt clocked me walking 4 km :) haha |
And the weirdest thing...mushrooms grow in an abundance here! They are literally everywhere!!! What is neat though is that they all look different. Some may be small, while some are gigantic! Look at these ones we saw today! It's almost straight out of Alice in Wonderland!!
Phew! That's a lot of updating for one post! More will come, I PROMISE!!! But this mama is tired! I love you all and miss you bunches!